Most innovative product of 2021: a title that has now been awarded to the MyIUS app as part of the Pharma Trend 2021 studies. Accordingly, 73% of the gynecologists surveyed were convinced by MyIUS. This is because the first certified, digital IUS companion improves the doctor-patient consultation on the basis of objective data.

In cooperation with Jenapharm, BAYOOMED developed the app especially for users of intrauterine systems (IUS). The CE-certified medical device was placed on the market by BAYOOCARE. The aim of MyIUS is to create a prediction of the user’s bleeding profile.

“With an IUS such as Kyleena, ovulation is generally not suppressed, which means that the natural hormonal cycle is usually maintained. Every woman is unique – as is her menstrual cycle. Therefore, the bleeding profiles after the insertion of an IUS can vary from woman to woman. Particularly during the adaptation phase, women often do not know when their period will start. Once the user has documented her cycle in the app for three months, it is able to display a prediction of the expected bleeding pattern for the next six months.”

Grit Berghof, Head of Marketing at Jenapharm, in the magazine Pharma Barometer

“With an IUS such as Kyleena, ovulation is generally not suppressed, which means that the natural hormonal cycle is usually maintained. Every woman is unique – as is her menstrual cycle. Therefore, the bleeding profiles after the insertion of an IUS can vary from woman to woman. Particularly during the adaptation phase, women often do not know when their period will start. Once the user has documented her cycle in the app for three months, it is able to display a prediction of the expected bleeding pattern for the next six months.”

Grit Berghof, Head of Marketing at Jenapharm, in the magazine Pharma Barometer

MyIUS – more than just an app

Certified companion and planning tool – the MyIUS enables users to familiarize themselves with the IUS in a special way. This is because the app helps to track the bleeding and enables the bleeding profile to be predicted.

This allows users to familiarize themselves with the effects of IUS on their body and menstrual cycle.

  • Enables you to get to know your personal bleeding profile

  • Creates a report on the bleeding profile

  • Contains useful information, FAQ and a video

  • Based on clinical studies and real users

  • Does not pass on personal data without being asked

  • Available on medical prescription

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