Half of the total population is female, yet women’s health – especially in the field of medtech – has often played a secondary role until now. But some companies have already recognized the huge market potential for specialized software solutions, apps and health applications: The femtech (female technology) sector is growing inexorably, and with it the range of services that support women in a digital way, when they have health care questions or problems related to their health.
MyIUS is one of these service apps. As a certified Class I product, MyIUS accompanies users of a hormonal IUS. With the app, menstruation can be tracked and thus a prediction of the bleeding profile for 6 months can be made.
The app, initiated by the pharmaceutical company Bayer, was developed by BAYOOMED GmbH and launched on the market by BAYOOCARE GmbH as legal manufacturer.

Image: “Women’s health has always been a key issue for us. I am a woman, a mother and a CEO. That alone is a rarity in the medtech industry. In addition, many women have been working in software development at our company for many years, which naturally sharpens our focus on their health”
With a 30 percent share of women, the companies of the BAYOONET Group have so far been a minority in the tech-industry. “It’s time for the medtech branch to become more femtech-oriented and specialised,” says Miriam Schulze. “And this will only succeed if we generally make women more visible in our society. We have to enable topics such as flexible working in every phase of life. Of course, this wrap also includes work-life balance and equal pay.”