Making everyday medical life easier with digital medical apps

Because smartphones have become an integral part of our everyday lives, digital solutions are also needed in the medical field – medical apps. The areas of application for these medical apps are as diverse as the specialist field itself. In hospitals and doctors’ surgeries, for example, digital medical apps supplement device functions and thus enable optimized conditions for medical professionals and improved patient treatment. How exactly do medical apps provide support?

Optimized conditions

The ability to remotely control and configure devices (for example during surgery preparation) means that digital medical apps create better working conditions for healthcare professionals.

Improved treatment

Mirroring using a medical app: Patient treatment can also be effectively improved. For example, they enable the digital display to be mirrored as part of patient monitoring (e.g. for heart-lung machines).

However, it is also possible to completely replace static devices with medical apps with corresponding accessories. For example, mobile ultrasound devices can be used.

However, the fixed procedures, processes and discussions in everyday medical life cannot be replaced. But medical apps can also be used here and provide significant support.

  • Visits and documentation (e.g. wound documentation, fever curves, etc.)
  • Data consolidation, data analysis and clinical decision support (e.g. calculation of scores and diagnosis, as well as therapy recommendations)
  • Exchange between healthcare professionals

Helping medical professionals to focus on the essentials – their patients – is precisely why we are passionate about developing medical apps and health apps. As an ISO 13485-certified company, it is important to us not only to comply with quality standards when developing each medical app, but also to maximize user-friendliness.

What we pay attention to when developing your medical app

  • Guaranteed compatibility with modern devices (e.g. smartphone, tablet) through Responsive Design
  • Offline use of certain features is possible
  • Great usability and barrier-free UI (e.g. zoom for visually impaired users)
  • Compliance with the normative requirements for medical devices in general and software as a medical device (SaMD) in particular

Your fast track to your own digital medical app

By the way: With our MedicalOne Connect platform, we can help you reach your goal faster when developing your medical app. With our platform, we support you in developing a customized app for users. As a digital companion, it can simplify everyday life in the medical environment and be used in clinics, doctors’ surgeries or other facilities. How exactly? Learn more here.